Adsense Approval Guide For Beginners | Updated 2020


You can obtain an Adsense approval on any of your blog by following these steps. So read carefully the following steps and follow them exactly the way they are said.

STEP 1 : You should have a top-level domain such as .com, .co, .org, .in and so on. Never use Free domains like .tk and stop using as it may take you months to get approval for adsense in the domain of

STEP 2 : Choose any niche of your choosing that does not breach Google’s adsense policies such as trying to avoid copyrighted content and pronographic content.

STEP 3 : You have to post 20 items , each with 1000 Words or more in length. Do not copy any of the content from other Google-ranked sites and try to be as original and unique as possible.

STEP 4 : Now create pages such as privacy policy , contact us, etc.

STEP 5 : Add your website to Google WebMaster and index all of your links manually in just 5 minutes to get them indexed.

1. It’s a manual review, not an algorithmic review.

The most important thing to realize is that an actual Google employee will be visiting your site, clicking around, and reading your content.

It’s not a robot that just crawls around your site to check if it’s all outlined in their list of requirements.

2. Make sure you have enough pages

A site can be rejected for a lot of reasons. But when you do all right and are still not accepted, that’s usually the reason.

Several people were dismissed with 50 + pages from my interactions with others, and some people were welcomed with 10.

Here, these items are not set in stone.

The overall quality of the site is more important than the number of pages.

Good luck & you can follow this tutorial Beginners to advanced

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