Technology 7 Amazing website that you must visit once

There are many websites on the internet, which many people do not know about, but this is a very amazing website. About 7 such websites are mentioned in this post, which you can see..

# 1. A different environment (fire water, wind sounds)

 You can create a different environment in your house. That too in a few seconds. If seen, it is a bit difficult and physically difficult to do Physically. But the website that I am going to tell you, you will be in another world in a few seconds. Will be in a completely different environment. For this, all you have to do is visit the A SOFT MURMUR website. And yes you should have a good headphone or earphone. Play music and experience a different environment. This is a music that can also help you to concentrate.

 Visit website: A SOFT MURMUR

#2.Hacking map

What is a hacking map? Some websites on the Internet prepare a map according to their data, in which they show hacking attacks according to their data. Many people believe that this is not true. Which is also correct. Experts believe that this is a sale tool that helps sell their security products. By the way, I would like to tell you that more than 30,000 websites are hacked every day. (According to Forbes) and 3 websites are hacked every hour in India. Some popular hacking maps.

Some Popular Hacking Map 

Visit Website: Kaspersky 

Visit Website: Fortinet 

Visit Website: Check Point

Visit Website: Fireeye

# 3.Internet Map

Just like the map of our India, the map of the Internet is also in this world. This is awesome. Here you will see many small and big dots. Which is according to the popularity of that website. Here you will get to see different websites in different big and small dots.

Visit Website: The Internet map

#5.Real-Time Satellite Images

With the help of this website, you can see real-time satellite images from all over the world. It uses a satellite called Meteosat-8 which is used to get weather information. If you want to see satellite images, then you can also use Google Earth.

Visit website:

# 6. Become a hacker in a minute !!

You should visit the website once. People who have learned to run the computer new and new people will be scared if they visit this website. You will get to see a lot on this website. Visit once and check every option. You will like it By commenting, we will definitely tell you how you liked this website.

Visit website: Geekprank


This is a very famous website. This website is quite useful websites for Youtubers, Bloggers because it reduces large links. With this, it gives many details about that link, like how many people clicked on that link, said, from which country and from where the link clicked tells everything.

Visit website: Bitly

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